"Evangelization is the heart of the church's mission"
"The earth is the Lord's, ad the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein."
Rev. Robert Roundtree
Interim Preacher
"Evangelization is the heart of the church's mission"
"The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein." The Reverend Robert-Terrance Jaron Roundtree was born in Chicago, Illinois to Pastor Darrel Perkins, Sr. (Refuge Mission Bap@st Church) and Uvonne Roundtree. Reverend Robert Roundtree, Sr. shares his life and ministry with his wife, Anicia Roundtree and their five children.
At a tender age of seven, Robert embraced his passion of worship and learning God’s Word at House of Love Deliverance Center of Chicago, Illinois, where he played drums and served as a par@cipant on several Bible drills. He started studying the Word early, as there was call upon his life. ANer gradua@ng high school, Rev. Roundtree relocated to Miami, FL to further his educa@on, as the importance of educa@on was ins@lled in him at an early age. In 2006 Robert accepted his calling to the ministry and served as a Minister-in-Training, where he was trained on church ordinances and doctrine.
In May 2007 Rev. Roundtree was licensed to preach the gospel by his grandfather, the late great Rev. Dr. W. R. Roundtree, Jr. of New Mount Pleasant Bap@st Church, Miami, FL, where he served as the Youth Pastor. Addi@onally, Rev. Roundtree oNen mentored and counseled young men and youth throughout the community, including holding a posi@on as Lead Youth Counselor at Anastasia Ministries of Miramar, FL.
In 2008, Robert’s grandfather became ill and he took a leave from school to assist his grandfather with the ministerial and administra@ve du@es of the church as well as care for him at home un@l his demise. In November 2008, Rev. Robert Roundtree was ordained by the New Mount Pleasant Bap@st Church, Miami, Florida under the tutelage of the late, great Rev. Dr. W. R. Roundtree, Jr. He con@nued to serve as the Youth Pastor of the New Mount Pleasant Bap@st Church un@l January 2011, when God elevated him to higher heights to serve as the Execu@ve Pastor un@l November 2013.
Rev. Roundtree served as an Associate Minister of Greater Fellowship Missionary Bap@st Church under the leadership of his mentor and spiritual father, Reverend Howard O. Rose, un@l May 2016. From May 2016 to June 2022, Rev. Roundtree served as Pastor of First Bap@st Church of Brownsville of Miami, FL. In January 2023, Rev. Roundtree accepted the assignment as Youth & Young Adult Pastor at the Mount Sinai Missionary Bap@st Church. Rev. Robert J. Roundtree has a tremendous passion for God’s word and a true heart for God’s people that is evident everywhere he goes.